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ASWU Senate Candidates 2023-2024

Collegian staff

Provided by Eliza Gonzalez, ASWU Vice President

Compiled by Emma Innes, Editor-in-Chief

Meet the Associated Students of Willamette University (ASWU) Senate candidates for the Spring elections!

Voting begins Wednesday, April 26 at 8 am and ends Friday, April 28 at 5 pm!

Class of 2026

Photo courtesy of Evyn Baker

Evyn Baker

Hello Fellow Bearcats!. My name is Evyn W. Baker (he/him), I am a rising Sophomore majoring in Data Science and I am excited to be running for the Associated Students of Willamette University (ASWU) Class of 2026 Senator. My first message to every student here at Willamette University is simple: “Get Involved.” I got involved my freshman year by joining Chamber Choir, 2023 WU Opening Day Leaders, 2023-2024 ASWU Freshman Class Senator and the ASWU Finance Committee. I made a lot of friends and feel like Willamette University is my second home. My second message is that WE as students should never feel afraid to make mistakes, or raise our hands and ask questions when we don’t understand something. I pride myself in truly listening to your issues on campus and I will stand up as your Class of 2026 Senator to ensure the necessary resources for your success here as a student. If elected as your ASWU Class of 2026 Senator I promise to continue to dedicate my time, experiences, and organizational skills to our Willamette University campus.

Photo courtesy of Sean Olson

Sean Olson

Hey y’all! :D

How was your first year experience in Willamette so far? How was your roommate? What’s your favorite restaurant downtown? What clubs did you join? There’s so much to learn about! :)

As the president of the JSSL and member of this year’s ASWU senator, I am very confident in being knowledged with the administration, organizations and internal issues on campus. I would be honored to have your vote to continue to utilize this experience to make decisions and actions that best represent our class body!

Here are a couple of things I advocate for: an inclusive/comfortable space for different identities, anything outdoors (I love running/hiking!), promoting available health resources around campus, and making it easier to host student organized events!

Thanks for electing me last year and I am looking forward to continuing to fulfill my duty.


Sean <3

Class of 2025

Photo courtesy of Jillian Layton

Jillian Layton

I want to be an ASWU senator because the purpose of ASWU is to support clubs and organizations on campus. I want to advocate for these groups by helping secure the funding, support, and resources they need. My experience as a club president, member of the debate union, high school student government experience, Opening Days Leader, and former Resident Advisor will all guide me in this work. The best senators are enthusiastic and committed community members and I believe I fulfill this criteria.

Class of 2024

Photo courtesy of Andrew Caruana

Andrew Caruana

I have a rich well of experience across campus that I believe makes me uniquely qualified to represent the needs of my class in the ASWU Senate. My work as a Resident Advisor and soon-to-be Community Advisor has given me a lot of experience with complex problem-solving and addressing student needs and concerns. I have had the privilege to be the president of the Disability Advocacy Club for the past two years and am looking forward to a third term in the role. My experience in DAC has given me the opportunity to represent my communities needs to administration and champion reforms like the implementation of ADA entrances and enhanced accessibility. Most recently, DAC worked to pass the Resolution for Disability Solidarity through ASWU to call on the university to do more to celebrate and uplift disability and neurodivergence on campus. As a physically disabled and neurodivergent student, campus accessibility is an extremely high priority for me and will be a focus if elected. Additionally, I want to see ASWU implement anti-ableism and queer-inclusive training for clubs and student leadership positions.

Photo courtesy of Sarah Henry

Sarah Henry

Hello! My name is Sarah Henry (She/Her) and I’m a queer, neurodivergent D&D nerd, LEGO enthusiast, and recent football enjoyer. I’m a Third-Year PPLE Major and Mathematics Minor student whose passion is advocacy. I’ve dedicated my time at Willamette as a student advocate by being an RA, SARA, and WEMS member. Those who know me personally know that I’m a dedicated, passionate person who will continue this advocacy.

Acting as a Senator for class of 2024, I want to make sure that all voices in our class are being heard in ASWU. I want to empower us as incoming seniors to continue to support organizations on campus through the powers of ASWU. I want to engage in a system that has personally hurt many of us and try to reform it.

My priorities are making ASWU more representative of student values, expanding funding to empower and support valued campus events, and prioritizing inclusive spaces on campus. I will accomplish these by combining my experience interacting with campus organizations and the powers granted to ASWU Senators through motions, resolutions, and voting powers.

Overall, I hope you will consider me for one of your Class of 2024 ASWU Senators!

Photo courtesy of Ryan Johns

Ryan Johns

Hi all! My name is Ryan Johns (he/him/his) and I plan to run for an ASWU Senate seat for the 2023-2024 school year. I am a third year Politics, Policy, Law, and Ethics major. I have spent the last three years leading the student-athletes at our institution through SAAC, and representing the entire institution on a conference and national level. One thing I have learned is that you can learn a lot about what people care about simply by giving them a space to talk and listening to my fullest ability!

Over the next year, one thing I hope to accomplish is developing sufficient lines of communication between student-led organizations, because a student shouldn’t have to choose between going to a self-care event and volunteering locally. But I also really hope to equitably converse with and listen to my classmates and do my best to represent them and their concerns and feelings in ASWU, no matter the issue.

If elected, I will do everything I can to amplify your voices and concerns!

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