Provided by Sal Chapell, ASWU Vice President.
Compiled by Bjorn Domst, Managing Editor.
Here are the candidates for the Fall 2024 ASWU Senate elections, organized by graduating class.
Voting will begin Thursday, Sept. 5 at 8 a.m., ending Friday, Sept. 6 at 5 p.m.
Class of 2028
Hannah Moses

ASWU is a long standing organization that has worked to improve the welfare of students since 1936. To me ASWU is an opportunity to listen, understand and act on the concerns of my peers. Throughout high school I had the honor to serve my community in positions like high school student council president, Pacific and Asian Affairs Council club co-president, National Honor Society vice president, Japanese club vice president and the captain of the volleyball and basketball teams. These positions allowed me to learn how to collaborate and communicate with others no matter our differences, solve problems and adapt in unexpected situations and encourage growth in those around me. As an ASWU senator I would strive to create a community of acceptance and support. Understanding that no matter your background, identity, interests or faith, your opinions matter. I will do this by always being there to lend a hand or an open ear and making time to listen to you, from your ideas to make our school a better place to see how your day is going. I will always be there to serve you.

Nova Jones
Greetings! My name is Nova Jones (he/him) from Phoenix, Arizona, and I am running to
represent the Class of 2028 for the Associated Students of Willamette University Senate! The university’s focus on community was a strong draw for me, and I connected with other students as soon as I received my acceptance. I want to join ASWU to represent my community and their voices, their ideas, and their concerns; at the same time, I actively look to find ways to work with the student body and the other Senators to improve the campus and student life.
My related experience includes training with the Leadership Society of Arizona’s summer
program; assisting as a group leader for several high school events; serving as Co-Captain of my Varsity Swim Team; and trailblazing the role of Student Manager for my Mock Trial team. Additionally, I am involved in starting WU’s first Dungeons and Dragons Club, and currently sit as the club’s Vice President, functioning as a liaison between the executive board and the students in the club to make it more inclusive and fair to everyone who joins. I believe that together we can effectively make a difference! Keep on blazing forward, Bearcats!
Bailey Watland

Hey Bearcats! My name is Bailey Watland (she/her) and I’m passionate about the importance of having good student advocacy. One special thing about our school is that because of the intimate campus it’s easier to reach out to more people. In this position, my goal is to make sure our class has someone approachable, they can bring their concerns to and relay to other students and faculty. What drew me to run for this position was the amount of experience I have. Doing student government all throughout high school has provided me with a good sense of the responsibilities I will be having, and has shown me the passion I have for being involved in groups such as ASWU to better our school!
Ernest Jones

Hello WU Class of ‘28, some of you have met me, some of you have not. My name is Ernest Jones (He/Him), and I know how hard it is to be a college freshman. We’re all having to figure out how to balance our social life, having fun, and academics. Sometimes, we just need a friendly face, calm during the storm, let me be that friendly face. As an ASWU Senator, I promise to always be there for YOU - the students of Willamette. This is not a campaign, focused on individual people and the policies those people find important. This is a movement for all students - for the people, by the people. This is for you to be represented, for you to be heard in the institutions that run your day to day life. Let me be your voice. Put yourself first on the ballot this September 5th. Vote for Student Power - Vote Ernest or maybe: A Vote for Student Power - A Vote for Ernest.

Katelyn Beissel Rosales
Hi! My name is Katelyn Beissel Rosales (she/her) and I am a freshman! I have so much passion for serving my community, and the campus I’ve fallen in love with. As our class is new to campus, I am dedicated to listening to your input and making sure your ideas are followed through with. Additionally, I have three main goals should I be elected to represent you. I want to ensure you know you can approach ASWU with anything, I want to increase Wilamette’s community involvement, and improve YOUR satisfaction with our campus. Some of my ideas include increasing campus safety/health measures, inviting fun and important figures to speak on our campus, hosting more fun events for all students, and of course, Kitten Fridays. Yes, kittens on campus! Yet, these are only the tip of my idea iceberg. I have specific ideas and a drive to achieve them. Check out @katelyn4wusenate to see my plans or to talk to me! I’d love for us to get to know each other. Lastly, know a vote for me is a vote for Snoopy :)
Jack Crone

Hello, my name is Jack Crone (He/Him). I'm a wildland firefighter, a nationally ranked debater/moot court competitor, and a freshman at Willamette. The primary motivation for my campaign is to look incredibly spectacular for internship opportunities. However, in true political fashion, that can't be my only motivation. I've noticed issues even in my short time here. From RAs ineffectively helping students to frequent incidents of people breaking basic decency rules set out by those same RAs, some problems need addressing. While my main goal is to enhance my internship prospects, I also want to ensure that the living conditions for all students, especially freshmen transitioning to college life, are comfortable and safe. And from my discussions with many, it seems that those needs aren't being met to their fullest in some halls- a problem I intend to address to the best of my ability. Vote Jack-of-all-Trades.
Class of 2026
Ellie Winkelman

My name is Ellie Winkelman, and my pronouns are she/her. I am originally from Hoquiam, Washington, and a transfer student from Green River College. As a transfer student, I offer a fresh perspective on our campus and clubs. I am a member of the Willamette University Women’s Soccer Team, which allows me to add valuable insight into how we can support student-athletes and foster team spirit across campus. While at Green River College, I was elected to serve as President of Phi Theta Kappa’s Alpha Chi Beta Chapter and Vice-President of Rotaract (Rotary club for college students). Additionally, I have volunteered countless hours in the community, reflecting one of my many passions: giving back to others. As a Senator, I bring my passion for serving others and my heart for the community. I intend to continue and expand upon our university’s welcoming, positive, and supportive environment. Thank you for considering me to represent the Willamette University Class of 2026 and to contribute to our university’s vibrant community.
Mitchell Septoff

My name is Mitchell Septoff, and I’m running for ASWU Senate. If elected, I will use ASWU’s budget and collective bargaining power to improve service at Goudy in order to reduce crowding and wait lines. I will also push for public transportation through Salem to be subsidized for and tailored to students. Ideally, this will reduce demand for parking, create faster, cheaper options for commuting students, and allow on campus students without a car to safely access resources like Target without begging for rides or spending money on an Uber. I have worked and was elected to my home town’s Board of Education, so I know how to work with local government and student councils in tandem. Pretty please vote for me. If you want to hear more about my plan, my qualifications, or just don’t know what to order at Taco Bell, hit my line at 301-777-0353 or mdseptoff@willamette.edu.
Ashton Ellis

Hello constituents. My name is Ashton Ellis, but you can call me Ashton for short. I grew up in California. I also love American Chinese food and Mexican food, both of which are very prevalent in the South Bay, which is where I grew up. If you ever see me at Panda Express, I will be ordering the Orange Chicken, Beijing Beef, and Beef and Broccoli. If you are ever in the Los Angeles area I highly recommend Golden Pheasant. Rosa’s in Hermosa Beach also serves the most wonderful Mexican food. As an ASWU senator I would love to have an impact on various changes on campus so people can enjoy life more. For most of us, we will be here for 4 years, which is both a very short and a very long time, but these 4 years will heavily impact the rest of our lives. Vote for me please.
Class of 2025
Peter Wirfs

Hello Bearcats! My name is Peter Wirfs (He/Him), and I am running for ASWU Senate. I’ve already been a Senator for one year and have extensive student government experience. At my previous institution I was their student government president for nearly a year and a half. Last year I helped to create and run ASWU’s voter registration project with the help of the Office of Civic Engagement. We achieved our goals, and next semester I plan to provide my guidance to my fellow senators to help get their projects accomplished.